lunes, 16 de abril de 2012

Story Design: El club secreto de Pepe y Pedro

As part of today's class, story design steps, I must post this story, written in less than 20 min.

El club secreto de Pepe y Pedro

En el pequeño pueblo de Manzana Verde Roja-azul, Pepe va a visitar a su amigo Pedro, que vive en la calle de atrás. Sale de su casa. Voltea al cielo y una gota de agua salpica sus lentes. Se cubre la cabeza con la capucha de su sudadera. Con sus recién cumplidos 11 años, Pepe y Pedro son los fundadores de un club secreto en el que están los chicos más grandes de su cuadra. Ellos dos.

El motivo de su visita, es secreto. La mamá de Pedro lo castigó por una pelea en la escuela con los miembros de otro club. Les robaron un documento muy importante y secreto, este fue el motivo del problema.

Pepe camina y llega a la esquina, da vuelta. A lo lejos ve a Karla con su enorme perro. Ella es el temor de todos lo chicos. Asusta e intimida a todos. Ella sostiene el sobre con el documento. Al llegar a la esquina, está la casa de Pedro, él, ve por la ventana. Pepe debe tomar el documento, todos sus secretos están ahí. Ella lo abre lentamente. Pedro le hace señas a Pepe. Él, corre; ella, lo examina y lo lee.

El tiempo se detiene. Karla se sonroja, Pepe la mira. Todo está perdido. Pedro contempla la escena desde su prisión. Ella voltea y ve a Pedro en su ventana, él tiembla y desaparece.
Karla se acerca lentamente a Pepe. Él, cierra los ojos. Un beso cerca del labio. El documento está en sus manos. Ella se aleja riendo, lo sabe todo. Pepe la ama, la hermana de Pedro, la mejor amiga de Karla sería el contacto. Ella tiene 12, sería imposible.

El secreto terminó.

  Creative Commons License

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

William Blake


Born 1757 and died in 1827, Blake was an English musician and poet. He was not popular during his own time. He is considered as a Whole Artist, due to his drawings in his works.

He studied in The Royal Academy where he discovered that artists were generalizing styles, he wanted something different and he shows that in his own works.

He married Catherine who was taught to read and write and draw. She was a very important help for Blake for printing and finishing works.

He was very interested into the social problems and politics, he hated discrimination and imposed authority, some legal troubles were risen from his believes.

Some of his paintings have religious topics.

[some] Illustrated books:

*John Milton: Paradise Lost (Blake's Illustrations)

All Religions are One - 1788
The Marriage of Heaven and Hell - 1790 - 93

The French Revolution - 1791
Tiriel - 1789

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2012

Charles Dickens

Dickens lived from 1812 to 1870. He is one of the most important writers of his era even he was recognized until the XXth century. He is took the element of the XVIIIth century Gothic romance novels.

For his writings, he worked closely with those who illustrated them, so the characters were exactly as how he envisioned. He also presented some autobiographical stuff into his writings.

His writings were presented as episodes in journals, for example, in Oliver Twist the public had to wait 2 months to know if he survived a gunshot. He altered the stories according to people's reactions.


The Adventures of Oliver Twist (Monthly serial in Bentley's Miscellany, February 1837 to April 1839)
David Copperfield (Monthly serial, May 1849 to November 1850)

The Christmas books:
  • A Christmas Carol (1843)
  • The Chimes (1844)
  • The Cricket on the Hearth (1845)
  • The Battle of Life (1846)
  • The Haunted Man and the Ghost's Bargain (1848)

lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

John Keats. Ode to a Nightingale part VII





Thou wast not born for death, immortal Bird!    
No hungry generations tread thee down;  
The voice I hear this passing night was heard   
In ancient days by emperor and clown: 
Perhaps the self-same song that found a path 
Through the sad heart of Ruth, when, sick for home,  
She stood in tears amid the alien corn;        
The same that ofttimes hath   
Charm'd magic casements, opening on the foam  
Of perilous seas, in faery lands forlorn.

John Dryden

Born 1631, Dryden life was full of important situations, he wrote poems and plays. His living age is named The Dryden period due to his writings. He was part of King's Company in which later he became a shareholder. he was also a translator of the classical literature (Horace, Ovid, Lucretius, Theocritus...)  . He lived during the English Restoration and The War of the 3 Kingdoms.

He lived during the puritan ban and the great plague, because of this he couldn't present his plays for a while.

Later he would wrote a very important satire of religion and power. The 3 part poem: The Hind and the Panther.

Each of its 3 parts has an important notation.

The first one shows different religions as animals according to their power and procedures.

The second is a satire to christian practices.

Finally, the third one is about the Whigs and how churches and monarchy could beat them.

"Of all the tyrannies on humane kind
The worst is that which persecutes the mind."
—John Dryden,
"The Hind and the Panther"

domingo, 11 de marzo de 2012

martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

Daniel Defoe

Maybe best known for the Robinson Crusoe Adventures, Defoe was born in 1659 and died in 1731.
With more than 500 books he is considered as one of the founders of English novel among other importan writers of his time.

Merchant for profession he dedicated his life to writing, being his very first writing a proposal for a new and different economic system entitled An Essay Upon Projects.

In some other writings he defended the king and the monarchy. He was arrested for some problems with clerical authorities due to his writings. But instead of being offended while he was transported as a criminal people were honoring him, he was not executed because of his popularity and the fear that his execution could create a riot.

Jonathan Swift


Jonathan Swift was an Irish writer who lived in the 17th and 18th century. Born in 1667 and died in 1745.
He is famous for the biggest critic of human society: Gulliver's Travels. working as writer and accountant for a noble man he reached the court. Latter, bored of his work he decided to became a priest.

He lived in London for some years but he returned to Ireland where he worked and take care of some churches. He would return to England to work with the noble man 'till his death.

As a priest he lied in Dublin, he was in love with a 20 year old girls whom is said become his wife in secret. He became more important in the ecclesiastic sphere but it was Queen's Anna hostility what avoided him from continue growing.

martes, 21 de febrero de 2012

Edmund Spencer & The Faerie Queene


Edmund Spencer (1522-1599) became famous for his Faerie Queene poem which he wrote and read to Queen Elizabeth I.

His friend Sir Walter Raleigh encouraged him to visit the Queen in London and read his poem.

His poem was presented in 3 books, the first part was published in 1590, the second in 1596. It was planed to be a 12 book publication.

The poem is an epic poem with memories and critics of Tudor's Dynasty. It also has Arthurian style, makes transcendental women into normal.

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012

Queen Elizabeth I

She was the last monarch of the Tudor Family, Queen of England and Ireland from 1558 to 1603.

The period in which she reigned is known as the Elizabethan era where English Drama and a adventuring life were more famous. Play-writers as William Shakespeare were very important for court's life.

 Theater and literature were of great importance for the era due to Queens interest on arts.

She admired Edmund Spencer and Shakespeare.


sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012

William Shakespeare

Image Taken From:

Shakespeare was born in 1564, he died in 1616. Shakespeare was an English writer and actor, he is also considered as the most important and influent writer of English language.

There is a lot of speculation about his life and works but we know that he existed, even there is a little information about his life, there are registries of his work in London, where he worked as a play-writer and actor, and in Stratford, where he lived and married.

His plays were presented in some important scenarios: The Theatre and The Globe are some examples.

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012

Sir Walter Raleigh

Image takne from:

Walter Raleigh was an English writer, politician and he was also a pirate.
He was Queen's Elizabet I protected and he fought Irish rebels, he also founded Virginia colony in the U.S. He also search El Dorado in an expedition.

He was imprisoned for conspiracy against Jacob I. He died decapitated in 1618. He was also friends with Edmund Spencer.

Some of his poems are:

-The Lie
-What is our life
-The ocean to Cynthia
-A Farewell to False Love


Farewell, false love, the oracle of lies,
A mortal foe and enemy to rest,
An envious boy, from whom all cares arise,
A bastard vile, a beast with rage possessed,
A way of error, a temple full of treason,
In all effects contrary unto reason...

domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012

Geoffrey Chaucer and The Canterbury Tales

Image taken from:

Chaucer as many other intellectuals of his era was into philosophy, astronomy and even alchemy. HE was a very smart poet and he is considered, by some people, as the English Literature Father.

One of his most important works is The Canterbury Tales which is the story of some pilgrims traveling to Canterbury Cathedral. This pilgrims narrate their stories, some of they are into the dark side of moral, being corrupted and heretics. The tale also shows the classes (nobles, clerics, poor people) and how they different they are.

Maybe its like kind of a critic for the society at the time, as a joke of how people think and act.

The original is composed of some manuscripts most of which were incomplete and fragmented. the composition is divided in Ten fragments. The controversy arises in phonetic and written transcriptions, this of course for the literary and poetical spheres that like to have everything lyrically and versing.

While doing the research i found that some people considered the Canterbury Tales as a copy of Boccacio's Decameron. Maybe because of the stories told by the characters. However The Canterbury Tales is considered as a masterpiece of literature and it would be good to read it following the historical context of the time and searching the hidden stories and critics of medieval lifestyle.

jueves, 2 de febrero de 2012

Literature in the English Middle Ages

Image taken from:

According to different countries and languages, medieval literature was the starting era of our modern vision of books. we have some examples as English Beowulf, Germanic Nibelung's Ring story, French Chanson de Roldan and some other old books.

What is the most incredible thing about this period, is that books were not meant for all public, like for example workers. Reading and writing was reserved for intellectuals, rich people and clerics.

The books of this era are, in its majority, narrations taken from old legends, for example epic poems with ancient Celtic, Greek or Nordic mythology; Arthurian knights era or greatest travelers and knights (Mio Çid, Don Quixote, even Marco Polo)

We can see that art was also present in books, big colored illustrations and typographies could be found on ancient books, this is a plus for this craftsmanships.

We can also found some allegories or representations of concepts like in Dante's Divine Comedy.

Maybe this period help modern literature to established but i think writing and sharing thoughts and ideas is part of human behavior, from hieroglyphics to latin letters humans always wanted to share emotions, historical events, triumphs, tales, legends, poems and whatever description or thought is in our minds.

No matter the language, copyright restrictions and other stuff, written expression would always be considered as a masterpiece of art, the stories form the times of kings and knights are still with us thanks to written languages.

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012

Bayeux Tapestry

Image taken from:

According to artistic way of thinking, art is the perfect media for leaving an event in the world. The best examples are pictures and paintings, sculptures and big carved stones and of course and why not a tapestry.

This piece in particular is absolutely awesome, I bet that  in the museum is better but... searching and reading about it you can only think that the work in it is awesome.

Handmade of course, years and tons of wool and colors, also centuries is what this piece represents.

It is the 1066 Battle of Hastings story what is told in here. I like it a lot because of the details, colors, images, and the most important part the historical event and its narration. Images can say lots more than words.

I have found a video where you can see in detail with a well done animation some details. It is a 4 min and something long video from you tube.

martes, 31 de enero de 2012

The Battle of Hastings

Image taken from:

Just to get into context the battle of hastings occurred the 14th October 1066, the Normans invaded and fought the English; the battle ended up with the Norman conquest of England.

King Harold II of England confronts King William II of Normandy (William the Conqueror). During the battle Harold died. A new age started for the English people.

In my opinion this war changed completely the history due to the new Norman lifestyle, including language, laws, religion and culture.

Military, the battle is very tactical and well planned with the archers and cavalry attacking according to the situation in which the battle transformed. The fierce warriors of the Norman king were fast and brutal, maybe that was what make them win. when Harold dies its troops probably felt like if they had nothing more to fight for nor a place to hide.

At that time it was, maybe, a great success, nowadays we still study it and learn from it how culture changes and evolves.

lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Why is baseball a metaphor for life?

Image taken from:

Life is full of rules and so are sports. In life, sometimes you must run and do some home runs, you've got to be fast, frequently the fastest in all you do so you are always ranking on top.

Life makes you play your best strategies to beat down your opponents and it also makes you do your best.

In my opinion life is a game and according on how well you play its how well positioned you'll be.