martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

Jonathan Swift


Jonathan Swift was an Irish writer who lived in the 17th and 18th century. Born in 1667 and died in 1745.
He is famous for the biggest critic of human society: Gulliver's Travels. working as writer and accountant for a noble man he reached the court. Latter, bored of his work he decided to became a priest.

He lived in London for some years but he returned to Ireland where he worked and take care of some churches. He would return to England to work with the noble man 'till his death.

As a priest he lied in Dublin, he was in love with a 20 year old girls whom is said become his wife in secret. He became more important in the ecclesiastic sphere but it was Queen's Anna hostility what avoided him from continue growing.

 Under the pseudonym of  Isaac Bickerstaff he published the Predictions for the year 1708, a book which was used to destroy a very important astronomer.

One of the most important works he wrote is A Modest Proposal, a satirical essay  for politics of Irish people. It covers the poor children's destiny of being sold by their parents to gain a little money.

Finnaly the most popular work of Swift. Gulliver's Travels.

A four parts novel that is basically a satire and a parody of human beings.

Each chapter is a place visited by Gulliver where swift mocks about the government, especially English one, and where he shows corruption and ignorance of his time.


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