sábado, 18 de febrero de 2012

William Shakespeare

Image Taken From: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3c/CHANDOS3.jpg

Shakespeare was born in 1564, he died in 1616. Shakespeare was an English writer and actor, he is also considered as the most important and influent writer of English language.

There is a lot of speculation about his life and works but we know that he existed, even there is a little information about his life, there are registries of his work in London, where he worked as a play-writer and actor, and in Stratford, where he lived and married.

His plays were presented in some important scenarios: The Theatre and The Globe are some examples.

He wrote tragedies, comedies and some historical plays. He also wrote some poems.

We also know that queen Elizabeth I and king James I were "fans" of Shakespeare plays.

Shakespearean Tragedy

A Shakespearean tragedy is considered any play that shares same structure and elements used on Shakespeare's works. Divided in 5 acts and in the end most of its characters died. There are paradoxes of life and situations are very real. There is an element of hope. Death of protagonists is the clue element of this plays.


The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

This story is the tragedy of the prince Hamlet whose father was murdered. In the middle of a night his father appeared to tell him who was the murder. Hamlet's uncle married the queen.
A play in which kings murder is represented was play in the castle, Hamlet's uncle leaves the play very scared and so Hamlet knows who the murder was.

Hamlet loved Ophelia died when Hamlet was exiled to London where he was supposed to get killed. Hamlet's brother fought Hamlet with a poisoned weapon by command of the king. Both were injured and died. Then the queen drank poison and killed the king.

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