lunes, 12 de marzo de 2012

John Dryden

Born 1631, Dryden life was full of important situations, he wrote poems and plays. His living age is named The Dryden period due to his writings. He was part of King's Company in which later he became a shareholder. he was also a translator of the classical literature (Horace, Ovid, Lucretius, Theocritus...)  . He lived during the English Restoration and The War of the 3 Kingdoms.

He lived during the puritan ban and the great plague, because of this he couldn't present his plays for a while.

Later he would wrote a very important satire of religion and power. The 3 part poem: The Hind and the Panther.

Each of its 3 parts has an important notation.

The first one shows different religions as animals according to their power and procedures.

The second is a satire to christian practices.

Finally, the third one is about the Whigs and how churches and monarchy could beat them.

"Of all the tyrannies on humane kind
The worst is that which persecutes the mind."
—John Dryden,
"The Hind and the Panther"

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